Restoration Priorities
Strategies for Preserving and Restoring Small Puget Sound Drainages
In fall 2013 the King County Water and Land Resources Division finalized a two year interagency agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology funded by Environmental Protection Agency pass through funds as part of the Puget Sound Action Agenda Ecosystem and Protection Project. The purpose of this project is to develop strategies and cost estimates for preserving all Puget Sound drainages with "excellent" benthic index of biotic integrity (B-IBI) scores, and for restoring 30 drainages from "fair" to "good" B-IBI scores, two Action Agenda ecosystem recovery targets. This project is intended to accomplish near-term actions from the 2012/2013 Action Agenda including C2.1 NTA2: managing urban runoff at the basin and watershed scale, and C2.3 NTA 2: map, prioritize and restore degraded streams.
This project relies on existing data and does not include any new field data collection. B-IBI metrics and overall scores will be downloaded directly from the Puget Sound Stream Benthos website and sites that have “excellent “scores (greater than or equal to 42) and “fair†scores (28 to 36) will be identified. A geospatial analysis will be done to delineate drainage basins and calculate various landscape metrics for these identified sites including land cover and geology in addition to site characteristics such as precipitation and elevation.
King County staff working with the Puget Sound Watershed Characterization model team will develop a decision making framework to rank sites with "fair" scores and prioritize 30 sites for the development of restoration strategies. This framework will be developed using input from interested stakeholders. Once the 30 sites are prioritized, planning level cost estimates will be developed for proposed management and restoration activities on a general cost per unit of activity - such as linear feet riparian restoration or square mile of stormwater retrofit. Detailed descriptions of individual restoration projects will not be developed.
King County will also develop strategies for preserving basins with "excellent" B-IBI scores. Strategies to be explored will include public land purchase, conservation easement purchase, and transfer of development rights.
Primary Project Goals
- Develop a decision making framework for prioritizing and directing regional restoration efforts that utilizes geospatial information and regional B-IBI data;
- Collect information from regional stakeholders and peer-reviewed literature regarding what restoration activities are taking place and have been successful;
- Provide direction for moving forward on the Puget Sound Action Agenda B-IBI ecosystem recovery targets by developing a framework to protect sites with "excellent" scores and for restoring 30 sites from "fair" to "good" B-IBI scores.
Documents and Presentations
Final Report: Strategies for Protecting and Restoring Puget Sound B-IBI Basins,
Jo Opdyke Wilhelm, Kate Macneale, Chris Gregersen, Chris Knutson, Debra Bouchard
From thousands of macroinvertebrate monitoring sites across Puget Sound, 101 stream basins were identified for protection and 54 for restoration. Restoration and protection strategies were developed for each of these basins after engaging local experts and conducting desktop reconnaissance of existing data. This report is step two for addressing the Puget Sound Partnership's B-IBI ecosystem recovery target to restore 30 B-IBI sites from "Fair" to "Good" B-IBI. The report recommends several next steps to continue work towards achieving these targets.
B-IBI Restoration Decision Framework and Site Identification,
Jo Wilhelm, Debra Bouchard, Chris Gregersen, Chris Knutson, Kate Macneale
This report explains the criteria used for selecting and prioritizing "Fair" B-IBI sites for restoration actions and lists the selected sites. This is step one of addressing the Puget Sound Partnership's B-IBI ecosystem recovery target to restore 30 B-IBI sites from "Fair" to "Good" B-IBI. The next step is to recommend restoration and conservation actions and estimate associated costs.
PNW Chapter of the Society for Freshwater Science [show]
November 2015, Coeur d'Alene, ID
Regional Stakeholder Workshop [show]
May 2015, Seattle, WA
PNW Chapter of the Society for Freshwater Science [show]
October 2014, Bellingham, WA
King County Science Seminar [show]
October 2014, Seattle, WA
NWFSC Watershed Program [show]
May 2014, Seattle, WA
Restoration Decision Framework Stakeholder Workshop [show]
March 2014, Seattle, WA
Puget Sound B-IBI Advisory Group Meeting [show]
February 2014, Seattle, WA
PSP Science-Policy Workshop [show]
December 2013, Seattle, WA
NW Biological Assessment Workgroup Meeting [show]
November 2013, Astoria, OR
Project Contacts
For more information contact: