2012 STE: Fine
This is the taxonomic effort level used by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Oligochaetes at lowest possible level, Acari at genus, Snails at genus, Dytiscidae larvae and adults to genus, Simuliidae larvae and pupae to genus, Chironomids at genus/species/species groups, Trichoptera larvae to genus/species/species group and pupae to family.
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2012 STE: Medium
This level is between the coarse and fine levels. Oligochaetes at family, Acari at "Acari", Snails at genus, Dytiscidae adults to genus larvae to family, Simuliidae larvae to genus and pupae to family, Chironomids at subfamily/tribe, Trichoptera larvae to genus/species/species group and pupae to family.
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2012 STE: Coarse
This is the closest to historical, pre-2012 King County sampling efforts. Oligochaetes at "Oligochaeta", Acari at "Acari", snails at family, Dytiscidae to family for adults and larvae, Simuliidae larvae and pupae at family, chironomids at family, Trichoptera larvae to genus/species/species group and pupae to "trichoptera."
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2024 Standard Taxonomic Effort: Fine (provisional)
STE table created 2025_01_16 by Beka Stiling and Kate Macneale to reflect updated and corrected rules for calculating BIBI scores based on rules determined in 2014 recalibration, but had been incorrectly entered at the time. This new table corrects how Trichoptera pupae are counted, for example. This table also includes taxa we need to exclude but that were incorrectly rolled up and included in previous scores. Beth Sosik created this new table and BK and KM are simply adding it to PSSB.
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